In today’s world, most of the advice given to succeed in life and career is aimed at extroverts. We are told to speak up, network, socialise and be courageous. This is all well and good…. but what if you’re an introvert?
Revealing one’s confidence is not common in those with an introverted character, however, these individuals display other qualities that employees significantly desire in a potential candidate.
Many believe that extroverts have the leading hand in their career prospective, utilizing their confidence and character to essentially climb the ladder. Yet, if an introvert learns how to apply their own expertise and attention, they may be able to forget the ladder and ride the elevator straight to the top.
Here are our top tips for introverts who wish to succeed in their career:
Don’t shy away from your talents
Introversion, like extroversion is a valuable and powerful characteristic. Introversion is linked to contemplation; where determination, focus and diligence is illuminated. Without you realising, colleagues come to you for difficult problems, knowing that you will absorb the issue and find the best technique and solution. Introverts make the effort to express themselves loudly, but with your natural thought process, your personality will shine above all the rest. Embrace these traits!
The Shoe Fits
Succeeding in your career requires a role that will suit your personality type. Positions that operate autonomously or have a clearly defined role will match perfectly with your characteristics, allowing you to work in a quiet setting. Intellectual roles with complex problems tend to suit introvert individuals as it requires a long thought process. You may find that a role with teamwork is good for stimulation, but ensure that each employee has a clear and defined role that will enable an easy path towards brainstorming and project planning.
Prepare and Rehearse
When preparing for social encounters, anticipate possible questions that may be asked in meetings and conversations and rehearse your response. As you process and absorb information slower to decipher possible issues, you need to strategize conversations to feel well equipped. With this skill, try to find out new updates in the office as it will make communication easier and demonstrate your initiative and attention.
When feeling uncomfortable in a situation, your body language and facial expression can portray how you are feeling. In the case of a meeting, an event or even a gathering, ensure that you are smiling and appearing engaged at the event. Point your feet towards the speaker, hold eye contact and be aware of how you appear to others. If struggling to follow the conversation, still remain interested to appear enthused and engaged. This approach will show that you are enthusiastic and stimulated, which may essentially change your attitude towards the situation.
It seems that introverts are finally being recognised for their ability to listen and brain storm. As with an extrovert, introverts will encounter problems, however, it is essential to be yourself and not sweat the small stuff. Your valuable skills will be acknowledged which will shine bright in any work place. Prepare for scenarios, present yourself, push your personality and practice. Remember these key tips, and you may surprise yourself about what you can achieve.